Introduction to Startup-14 Bootcamp Project

Introduction to Startup-14 Bootcamp Project


First of all, I want to say, its really exciting to be here. And I am not just here for me, I am here on behalf of my team members. The startup bootcamp team 14.

We are a startup group from the side hustle bootcamp. The bootcamp which we joined after the internship. It was a great experience, we learned, unlearned and relearned.

We are working on an app that allows restaurants to track orders, send notifications to employees and manage payment.

The app functions doesn't end there! it also generates a link which will be sent to customers when they place an order with the restaurant via text. The link will allow customers place order, make payments and track their order until delivery!

The name of our app, as you might have realized is "FoodAviz". We came up with the name from the words, Ease-Food-services. Which is what we intend to deliver and we are going to!

I solicit you all to stay tuned to this space, because something great is coming! Thanks for reading.